Latest messages from Wiltshire Police & Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service can be found on Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging.
The latest information from the local Police is here – Calne Police | Facebook
The latest Neighbourhood Watch updates are below:

Farm Watch and Horse Watch Newsletter August 2021
Rural theft fell last year but still cost Wiltshire £865,000 According to a report published today by a leading insurer NFU Mutual specialising in farming and rural interests, Wiltshire saw rural theft fall by 19% in 2020. The South West region saw a decrease of 24% over the previous 12 months. Nationally, the value of rural thefts has been estimated at £43.3m in 2020, the lowest annual cost in 5 years. Detective Sergeant Greg Fergusson of the Rural Crime Team said: “Rural crime has fallen during the lockdown periods over the past year. However, what we have seen is a shift of theft of larger equipment such as livestock, tractors and loaders to smaller items such as GPS systems and quad bikes that can more easily be transported. Livestock theft is still a problem but it has been harder to move animals around the country as there have been fewer vehicles on the road.” “Any theft can have a big impact on local communities, insurance premiums and food prices. Modern farming methods use GPS for gathering data about soil and to monitor crop conditions and many farms have quadbikes. To combat such crimes we work closely with land owners, neighbouring Police Forces and rural communities and organisations who provide valuable intelligence.” “We need everybody to be alert to rural theft particularly now Covid rules have been relaxed. You can report on the Wiltshire Police website or by calling 101. In an emergency situation always call 999.” Rural crime is not limited to theft but includes heritage crime and wildlife crime such as animal cruelty, poaching and hare coursing. As we enter the harvest season we expect to see an increase in hare coursing and the Rural Crime Team, along with our community policing teams and colleagues in the Ministry of Defence Police, will be actively seeking to prevent, disrupt and capture those involved in this activity. We would ask members of the public who see activity they believe to be hare coursing, groups of men with running dogs in large open fields for example, to report the matter as soon as possible. CrimeStoppers Rural Crime Month [CrimeStoppers Rural Crime Month 2021 was launched on 3 August] Crimestoppers has been working with a variety of partners including Mitie and Neighbourhood Watch to raise the profile of rural crime during August. They want people to know what it is, why it’s a problem and what you can do to help stop it. Rural crime is repetitive and organised, but without information it can’t be tackled. Rural communities are often aware of criminal activity that is happening, we’re here to help you speak up. According to NFU Mutual around three quarters of rural crime goes unreported. The month-long campaign uses the theme Together we can speak up to stop rural crime and will be speaking to rural residents: who may feel unsafe in their own homes. Farm owners who have to foot the bill for criminal damage and visitors who can be our eyes and ears to report what they see. Wiltshire Police will be reposting the CrimeStoppers social media posts and you can do so too by following: @CrimestoppersUK on Twitter and @crimestoppers on FacebookSecurity advice for agricultural vehicles
On July 9, PC Marc Jackson attended the annual North Wiltshire training group for the agricultural sector and gave extensive advice in regard to the theft of, and security considerations for, agricultural vehicles. The past year has seen a slight drop off in the theft of agricultural vehicles, potentially due to the twin effects of COVID and leaving the European Union have had on the export of stolen items by organised crime groups. With the UK now hopefully moving out of COVID, and as new regulations bed in there is potentially going to be an increase in such crime and the team were thankful for the opportunity to present this message and impart their specialist knowledge to potential victims. The cost of a tractor depends very much on a farmer’s needs. But a low engine power tractor can cost between £10,0000 – £30,000 and the higher engine power £50,000 – £150,000 upwards. Second-hand tractors retain their worth costing £20,000 – £50,000 upwards, meaning the onwards sale for a new stolen tractor will earn an organised crime Group tens of thousands presently. 123 were stolen in Wiltshire in 2019-20 and106 in 2020-21. To arrange a talk for a group on any aspect of rural crime please contact the Rural Crime Team. [Using a data tag scanner on a routine stop]Spot checks on vehicles identifies offences
The Rural Crime Team is diligent in its work and over the past month has run a number of roadside operations alongside Roads Policing Unit, Wiltshire Council Environmental Health Officers and National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service. The purpose of the operation was to disrupt those individuals who are involved in illegal waste removal/disposal and to identify stolen machinery and vehicles which maybe moving about on the roads of Wiltshire. A number of offences were identified and follow up-enquiries are also being completed by the Wiltshire Council environment officers on several waste carriers. Drivers can expect to see more of these joint operations as the Rural Crime Team and Roads Policing Unit continue to pursue those involved in rural crime offences.Missing puppy reunited with its owners
This week Chippenham CPT was able to reunite a missing 14 week old Cockerpoo puppy with its owners after it was found in an unattended caravan by officers liaising with members of the Travelling community. Acting Sgt Elliot Alvis said: “We took care of the puppy for the afternoon while the owners travelled up to Chippenham Police Station to collect her. They seemed very pleased to be reunited with her and were very grateful for our help.” If you do have a dog make sure that its chip is up-to-date with your current contact details. Each Community Policing Team is now equipped with chip readers to help speed up the return of lost or stolen dogs.Dog Watch
If you are a dog owner why not sign up as a member of Dog Watch? It is a group that has grown since the start of the year to almost 900 subscribers. This interest group can be joined by signing into your account. Once logged in you will see there is a menu on the left hand side of the screen. Click on the fourth item down, ‘Community Interests’ and the screen will change and you will see a number of tick boxes for some of the more popular areas that people follow. One of these is Dog Watch. There is a green button at the foot of this page with ‘Save Community Interests’ and once you click this you will be signed up to Community Speed Watch. Above the green ‘Save Community Interests’ button there is another ‘Switch to advanced mode’ ad if you click on that it will open up a number of drop down menus showing a much wider selection of interest groups. Do have a look at the demographic information and complete as much as possible. All information is confidential and very securely stored. The more that you include the more appropriate the messages are that you will receive. Crimes and Incidents July 2021 Sector Occurrence No Occ Summary Chippenham CPT 54210064012 BCA-1767-21-5454-01 Known female suspect has been walking her dogs along a footpath, one of which was off the lead. The dog off the lead had a rabbit in it’s mouth, it came towards the IP’s dog, dropped the rabbit and tried to attack the dog. The IP has tried to pull the dog away but the suspect’s dog has bitten the IP’s wrist, the IP has lost his watch during the incident. The IP has 2 x wounds on his wrists which have bled. Chippenham CPT 54210070568 Online submission IP has been working at the location and has had a break with the farmer of the land. When leaving two dogs have charged at him. The black dog has bitten the RPs foot and the brown one has bitten the RP on the knee. This has left a red mark. The RP house shouted at the owner of the dogs- who is the farmers son and he has told the RP that he told him to get of his land and just walked away. Chippenham CPT 54210071851 THREATENED TO GET GUN A known male has threatened to shoot the IPs dogs after he stated they had killed one of his sheep causing the IP to be in immediate fear of violence. Chippenham CPT 54210071857 Known male has threatened to get his gun and shoot the IP’s dog following an altercation over the death of a sheep. This caused the IP to feel alarmed. Devizes CPT 54210063597 SP-1877-21-5454-01 Unknown suspect has entered an insecure stable block and stolen pony headcollar TVO £65 Devizes CPT 54210069476 Female suspect was seen cutting pieces of the IP’s new willow fencing and throwing them into the field opposite. Devizes CPT 54210072055 Unknown suspect has stolen a rare breed poultry bird ( a Sumatran Chicken) from a coop on land rented by the IP. No suspects RWB CPT 54210072377 Unknown suspect(s) have cut the padlocks to the IP’s land, where they have then used bricks, to smash up his caravans and tried to set fires. RWB CPT Unknown suspect(s) arrived at the IP’s address in a blue transit van. The suspect(s) removed the horse trailer hitch lock by unknown means leaving it smashed on the ground. The suspect(s) hitched the green Ifor Williams 511 horse trailer for carrying two horses to the transit van and made off. Salisbury CPT 54210064412 Unknown suspects have smashed the padlock off a church door and opened the doors. Value of damage to padlock £10. Salisbury CPT 54210064117 4×4 vehicles seen racing recklessly off road. 2 of the IP’s fence posts have been broken due to the manner of their driving. Salisbury CPT 54210064983 Unknown suspect has entered the IP’s farmyard and has made off with the GPS electronics system from his tractor. IP has estimated that the GPS System is £15,000. Salisbury CPT 54210065495 Unknown suspect has smashed a sign on a field gate saying “private property”. Salisbury CPT 54210067591 Unknown person/s have entered a locked building site through the padlocked gate by using bolt croppers to cut the padlock. They have then stolen approx 400 litres of diesal and various tools. Approximate cost to replace Diesal £400.00 Approximate cost to replace Tools £500.00 Salisbury CPT 54210068835 Unknown suspect(s) have used unknown means to break and removed one of the 12ft gates that the IP/her family have recently installed in their field. One of the gates has been cut off the hinge and removed, it is unconfirmed if any damage has been caused to the other one. PROPERTY: Gate to approx. value of £250. Salisbury CPT 54210070496 Unknown suspects have cut the fence at the bottom of the field, pulled the alarm off the wall and entered the IP’s shed. They have stolen a chainsaw, Tenacka leafblower, steel trimmer, steel hedgecutter, steel long reach hedgecutter and polsar attachment. TVO £1200-1500 Salisbury CPT 54210071227 POACHING – Six unknown suspects have been seen to remove trout from a private fishery believed to be without permission. Salisbury CPT 54210072053 SP-5200-21-5454-01 Unknown suspect/s have stolen 1 of IP’s female goats by unknown means from the field their 5 goats are kept in, sometime overnight. The stolen female goat is valued at £250 ear tag number uk2924190001 Swindon CPT 54210070009 Overnight, unknown suspect(s) have smashed 2 windows on the IP’s barn. This has caused damage to the value of £300. Swindon CPT 54210066046 Unknown suspect(s) gained entry to the IP’s garage causing damage to the door and removed 2 x trailer tents and tools. Trowbridge CPT 54210064776 Unknown suspect(s) have used unknown means to steal the remote control for a high level crane that was being stored in the grain barn at the farm. PROPERTY: Remote control for crane TVO £5077.88. Trowbridge CPT 54210065209 Two unknown male suspects have arrived at the location in a white flat bed truck and attempted to steal the IP’s caravan. The IP interrupted the males who drove off empty handed. Trowbridge CPT 54210067279 Unknown suspect has stolen IPs cockerel and chicken from the pen in her garden over night. Warminster CPT 54210065012 Unknown suspect(s) have used unknown means to remove the padlocks to two gates in order to gain access to the farm. Suspect(s) have then used unknown means to break the padlock in order to access the shed. Once within, a quad bike has been stolen TVO £3500. Warminster CPT 54210068008 Online Crime Report A Fendt 828 was broken into (damaged lock) and the main display screen was taken out of the tractor. Items stolen is TVO £1000.00 plus £100.00 for damage to lock. There is no CCTV, no known witnesses and nothing left behind at the scene. Warminster CPT 54210068256 Unknown suspect has stolen three aluminium sides from a 16ft Ifor-Williams trailer parked on the rroad, two 8ft alumininium sides from roadside of trailer and one 6ft aluminium side from the rear Warminster CPT 54210071649 Unknown suspect has gained access to the IP’s out building and have stolen a Yamaha 450 quad bike and two petrol strimmers. Theft TVO £4000 Wootton Bassett CPT 54210064354 Unknown suspects have bent open a security gate and entered a compound. Once inside they have entered an open shed, done an untidy search and then gone to the derelict farmhouse in the compound and thrown discarded disc cutters at the windows of the farmhouse causing 17 windows to smash. Nothing of value has been stolen. Wootton Bassett CPT 54210071656 Unknown offender(s) have accessed locked gated pound via gap in hedge at rear of the pound.Barbed wire fencing has been pulled away to gain access.vNumerous display caravan doors have been opened.1 caravan has had lco damaged to gain entry and 3 windows stolen from it along with its Jockey wheel. A 2nd caravan has had its Jockey wheel stolen and a 3rd caravan has been entered and a fitted kitchen unit has been removed and stolen.. TVO of around £1,500+ in total. If you witness anything suspicious in the village or are unfortunate enough in being a victim of a crime please let me know so that I can warn others through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Regards, Kevin Last[Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging Logo]<>
[Wiltshire Police]<>
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Crime Prevention Awareness For Rogue Traders In Curzon Park In Calne
Yesterday at 16:20hrs, we received a report of two suspicious males walking around the Curzon Park housing estate in Calne.
It reported that the males were asking residents if they wanted their driveways sprayed with weed killer. The males were described as one being middle aged, and other younger carrying a hand pump spray bottle like a fertilizer. The older male had grey balding hair. The other was approximately 30 years old.
Unfortunately, a short time after the initial report we were advised that one resident had handed over £150 for this service, only to later discover that the males had sprayed his driveway using just tap water.
PCSO Mark Cook of the Calne Community Police Team says: “We would like to urge people to be vigilant. You should never feel pressured into buying something, whether it is goods or a service. Please contact police on 999 at the time if you feel threatened or intimidated.
“Please warn your neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable neighbours, not to open the door to strangers or buy or sell on the doorstep. Some doorstep callers may offer poor quality goods or services at inflated prices. If a caller is not genuine, they are likely to be gathering information for future crimes. This information is then usually traded onto other criminals gangs.”
REMEMBER if cold callers don’t get any sales in your area, they are less likely to return.
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We are continuing to urge people to speak to elderly and vulnerable friends and neighbours to ensure they are alert to potential telephone scams.
Yesterday (02/08) a man in his 90s from the Chippenham area fell victim to a fraudster who posed as a police officer and managed to convince him to withdraw £2,000 from his bank and hand it over to a courier who attended his home address.
The victim believed he was assisting with a police investigation into counterfeit money, but he was actually being scammed by criminals.
PC Sue McCartney, from the Chippenham Area Community Policing Team, said: “These fraudsters are very convincing and have various tactics to win your trust and convince you that you need to either hand over personal bank details or withdraw cash for them.
“In this particular case the person on the phone was posing as a police officer and even asked the victim to call 999, but the line was still open so when the victim thought he was speaking to a genuine police service, he was still speaking to the scammers.
“There are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself from these types of crimes, and I would strongly urge everyone to take note, and also speak regularly to any elderly or vulnerable friends or family members who may need the message reinforcing to them.”
Please remember:
• Your bank and the police will never ring and ask you to verify your PIN, withdraw cash or purchase high-value goods. They’ll also never come to your home to collect your card, cash or purchased items. If you get a call like this, end the call.
• If you get a call from your bank or the police, make sure you know who the person is before handing over any personal details. You can do this by calling your bank (the number on the back of your card) or the police (101) on a different phone line.
• To get a different line, use a phone owned by a family member, friend or neighbour. This is because scammers can keep phone lines open after pretending to hang up. So while you think you’re making a new phone call, the line is still open to the scammer, who pretends to be someone from your bank or the police.
• Depending on your bank, the security questions they ask may be different, but they’ll never ask you to authorise anything by entering your PIN into your phone.
• Never send money abroad to a person you’ve never met or to anyone you don’t actually know and trust.
• Likewise, never agree to keep your online relationship a secret. This is a ploy to get you not to tell your family and friends, who’ll see the scam for exactly what it is.
For more advice please visit<>

Police Take Action on Speeding Drivers
Wiltshire Police are taking action against speeding as part of a national campaign led by the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC).
Excess speed is one of the fatal four factors that increase the risk of road users being significantly injured or killed if involved in a road traffic collision.
The other fatal four offences include drink-driving, driving whilst using a mobile phone and not wearing a seatbelt.
Exceeding the speed limit makes it harder for a vehicle to stop safely and reduces the driver’s reaction time.
Inspector Mark Freeman, from the Road Policing Team, said: “We know that Speeding is one of the causations of fatal and serious injury collisions.
“Nationally around 1700 people are killed on the nation’s roads each year, and here in Wiltshire that figure is around 30 people per year.
“Across Wiltshire we have a mixture of rural and busy road networks. The specified speed limits on these roads are to help safeguard drivers, passengers, pedestrians and other road users, who all want to travel safely.
“In the last 18 months during the pandemic and in periods of lockdown we have seen examples of people doing dangerous speeds on our roads, thinking that the quieter times meant it was safe to exceed the speed limit.
“Please think before you speed. It is never acceptable, it will only save a matter of minutes, and it places the driver and others a risk.
“You may end up with a prosecution or the consequences could be much worse.”
During the campaign which ends on Sunday 8 August, officers will be speaking to drivers to highlight the risks of speeding, informing them of the consequences that driving above the speed limit can have and enforcing the law.
Inspector Freeman added: “I know that many members of the public share our concerns about speeding. These can be reported. If you witness speeding taking place and it is ongoing call 999, but only if it is safe to do so.
“You can also report online. Not all these reports will end in a conviction, but it does help us to build a picture of the activity on our roads and identify those vehicles regularly disregarding the speed limits.”
Acting Police and Crime Commissioner, Kieran Kilgallen said: “Great strides have been made to improve the way roads in Wiltshire are policed.
“This has included funding a new traffic enforcement officer and camera equipment whilst ensuring that road safety is prioritised in the current police and crime plan and working with partners to ensure a joined-up approach.
“Enforcement is a small part of tackling road safety – education and engagement with our communities is right at the centre of what we are doing.
“We know that the majority of motorists are driving safely and responsibly, but feedback from the public has told us that this is something they are concerned about and proactive work like this provides reassurance for our communities and a deterrent to those who may be tempted to drive dangerously.”
Motorists caught speeding will face a fine, points on their licence or even court action.
To report urgent crime call 999, for everything else start online
Dangerous Items Banned – Offensive Weapons Act
Keeping items like knuckledusters, throwing stars and zombie knives in private is now illegal following changes to the law brought about by the Offensive Weapons Act 2019.
Other sections of the act include an updated definition of flick knives to reflect changes in weapon designs, and the banning of private possession of flick knives and gravity knives.
This is the first part of new legislation (introduced on 14 July), the rest of the act will commence later in the year, and will bring in important developments that will help police address the growing issue of online sales of knives. The new law will also place responsibility onto delivery firms to conduct age verification at point of delivery.
The introduction of such measures will provide us with further means to help deter young people from becoming involved in knife possession and knife crime.
Supt Phil Staynings said: “We welcome any legislation which will assist us in tackling violent crime, particularly where it can help stop young people getting hold of knives or other dangerous weapons.
“While the vast majority of young people in Swindon and the rest of Wiltshire are not involved in this type of activity, we know that it is something which our communities are concerned about and we are continuously working with partners to prevent the small minority becoming drawn into violent crime.”
Sling Your Hook Campaign Launched By Neighbourhood Watch To Tackle Scams
We are excited to tell you more about our SLING YOUR HOOK campaign<> running throughout July to help tackle scams
The campaign taps into the psychology that scammers use to hook people in, helping you stay one step ahead and protect yourself and your loved ones against the increasing variety of scams happening every day. We’ve identified the following five behaviours scammers commonly use:
* They imply they’re doing you a favour (reciprocity)
* They indicate everyone else is doing this (social proof)
* They say your only chance is to act now (urgency)
* They act like they’re similar to you, so you like them and want to please them (connection)
* They ask you to do one little thing which makes you do more (commitment).
We also know that often victims of scams report that in hindsight they felt something wasn’t quite right at the time. This campaign aims to raise awareness of the tactics scammers use and encourages people to ‘stop and think’ if something doesn’t FEEL, SEEM, LOOK or SOUND right. This allows them time to trust your gut instinct and help prevent becoming a scam victim.
“Everyone likes to feel special. But watch out! If a stranger is going out of their way for you, something fishy may be going on instead. Scammers like to offer one-off deals and favours. Don’t be afraid to tell them no.” John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network
How can you support this campaign?
* LEARN: Visit our scams website pages<> to learn more about common scams, preventing scams, reporting scams, supporting victims and a scams campaign toolkit
* SHARE: Follow us on our Facebook<> / Twitter / Instagram<> / LinkedIn<> channels and share our posts
* JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Join us for an online talk (details below)
We are delivering a series of scams awareness online talks in partnership with the Dedicated Card and Payment Crime Unit (DCPCU), the National Trading Standards Scams Team (NTSST) and Avast.
Anyone can attend, but we are now running waiting lists only for all the webinars apart from one! Last week we ran an online talk on ‘Exploring the psychology behind scams and how scammers are so effective at their crimes’. It was so popular we have decided to re-run it on 27th July, 5pm. Click here to book your place.<> Please note – this event will not be recorded.
Domestic Abuse – Voice of The Abuser
“It saved my marriage and my family life!” Those are the words of Simon (not his real name) who has been receiving help from the domestic abuse support charity Splitz Support Service, after physically abusing his wife.
Wiltshire Police’s domestic abuse awareness campaign, which we are currently running with support from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service (SWA) and Splitz Support Service, focuses on the abuser and what help is available to them as well as their victims.
Simon, who lives in Wiltshire with his wife and two children, first noticed his destructive behaviour towards his wife after his children were born.
He said: “Looking back, I can now see that I was quite passive aggressive – often mentally abusive and controlling in my behaviour. That’s just the way I had always been.
“When my children were very young and I was working long hours I was always tired and grumpy and then one day, sitting in our car, I lost control and hit my wife in the stomach.
“A few weeks later it happened again – I grabbed her and went to throw her to the floor – luckily I caught her before she hit it. It was then I realised I needed help.
“My wife told me I had to move out of the home for a while but she supported me to seek help, and that’s when I contacted Splitz Support Service.”
Simon took part in the charity’s Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme, teaching him how to cope with his emotions and change his behaviour. He is now working with the charity to help others who have abused and is also an advocate for the organisation – telling his story from his perspective to help other agencies understand the actions of perpetrators.
He adds: “I’ve been working with Splitz Support Service for a number of years now – they helped me change my behaviour and so now I am helping others to change theirs.
“Splitz saved my marriage – thanks to their help I am still with my wife and still have my children.
“It’s taken me a lot of time and effort to get to where I am now – but I now have coping mechanisms when I start getting stressed. I’ve not only learnt to cope with situations but I now behave differently thanks to the tools I have been given to help me change.”
Advice to others
He admits that a perpetrator has to know and understand the benefits of changing and then want to change before they can – it’s the first step: “It’s a bit like being an alcoholic – you’ve got to understand that your behaviour isn’t normal or ok and that you’ve got a problem before you can get help.
“Hopefully, this latest campaign will help perpetrators recognise their behaviour is wrong and so will get help.”
Det Insp Helen Clarke said: “I want to thank Simon for his honesty and admitting when he needed help.
“Domestic abuse affects both sides of a relationship – the victim and the perpetrator. We want to be able to support both.
“If you are the abuser in the relationship, consider your actions and please seek help.
“If you are the victim, please remember help is available to stop this abuse from continuing.”
Claire Marshall, Splitz Support Service CEO, said: “It takes a lot of courage to speak out and say, I was that person, I did abuse my partner. It takes even more courage to seek help and do the work to understand why those behaviours came about and commit to positive change. By talking about his experience, Simon is helping more people understand that support is available, and if participants are willing to change, it can and does work.
“The Perpetrator Behaviour Programme that he took part in is an important part of the work of Splitz Support Service. We support thousands of people dealing with domestic abuse and sexual violence and we also have programmes which work to address the reasons for abuse in the first place, helping to support people and families to have safe, healthy relationships in future.
“Through his openness, Simon is helping more people to understand their behaviour and to seek help. More importantly he is building a great new future for him and his family.”
Martin Parker, OPCC Commissioning Manager for criminal justice and re-offending, said: “Specialist perpetrator change programmes can be life-changing for victims, offenders and children in the home.
“Simon’s story highlights the positive impact of these programmes and the role they play in working with perpetrators to change their behaviour and prevent further instances of abuse from happening.
“It shouldn’t be down to victims to do all the hard work to keep themselves safe and for too long the onus has been on victims of domestic abuse to escape their abusers.
“We need to continue refocusing the conversation and put the responsibility to change firmly in the hands of the abuser.”
Help is at hand
Those with concerns about domestic abuse are encouraged to contact police on 101, via our website or 999 in an emergency.
Alternatively, people in Wiltshire (outside of Swindon) who want to come forward for support can contact Splitz on 01225 775 776 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.
SWA is available 24/7 for Swindon on 01793 610610 and out of hours for the rest of
There is also the Wiltshire Emergency Duty Service which is
available on 0300 456 0100 – again out of hours.
For general support, the 24/7 national Domestic Abuse helpline is available 0808
2000 247.
Shoppers Beware – Mobile Phone Deals Could Be A Scam
People looking for a new mobile phone are being warned of a scam where fraudsters are offering deals which don’t exist.
We have been alerted by our colleagues at the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) that there is a current ongoing fraud where consumers are being cold called by individuals impersonating staff of legitimate mobile network operators and suppliers.
Victims are offered early handset upgrades, or new contracts, at significant discounts.
Once customers have been convinced that the deals are genuine and agree to proceed, suspects then ask for their online mobile account credentials, including log-ins, address and bank account details.
Suspects then place orders with genuine companies on behalf of victims, however select a different handset to that requested and have it shipped to the customer’s address.
Upon receipt, suspects assure victims that this has been an error and instruct them to ‘return’ the handset to a different address not affiliated to the mobile company.
These addresses are usually residential. Upon intercepting the ‘returned’ handsets, the suspects cease contact and victims find themselves stuck with no phone and liable for the entirety of a new contract taken out in their name.
A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: “We want people to be extra careful when buying a new phone or upgrading their contract.
“If you’re unsure that the person calling you is an official representative of the company they claim to be from, hang up and do not reveal any personal information.
“It’s better to check and be certain rather than fall foul of a fraud.
“There are a number of checks you can make to reduce the chances of being scammed.”
• Only contact your mobile network provider on a number you know to be correct. For example, 191 for Vodafone customers, 150 for EE customers, 333 for Three customers, 202 for O2 customers, 4455 for Tesco Mobile, 789 for Virgin Mobile and 150 for Sky Mobile.
• If you receive a device that you did not order or expect, contact the genuine sender immediately. The details for this will be within the parcel.
• NEVER post a device directly to a given address. All genuine Mobile Network Operators would send out a jiffy bag for you to return without you incurring additional cost.
• If you’re unsure that the person calling you is an official representative of the company they claim to be from, hang up and do not reveal any personal information.
If you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime, report it to or call 0300 123 2040.

Farm and Horse Watch Newsletter
Please be aware of the following reports which I have received through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and be vigilant.
This is a Wiltshire Farm & Horse Watch crime update alert sent from Wiltshire Police.
You can sign up to receive it directly from Wiltshire Messaging and choosing ‘Horse Watch’ or ‘Farm Watch’.
Please call 101 or 999 if you have a crime or incident that requires police.
Recent Crime and Incidents
Update of Crimes/Incidents throughout Wiltshire affecting Farms, Horse owners, Yards and Rural areas.
Occ No
Amesbury CPT
Unknown suspect(s) have moved a log onto the entry track of the farm. IP has driven over this, causing a hole in the underside of his vehicle. Cost of damage unknown.
Amesbury CPT
Unknown suspect(s) have entered the IP’s farm and have ripped off electrical wires connected to a camera. Suspects have ripped out plants and have snapped branches at the location and have kicked the bottom of an external barn door. Cost of damage unknown.
Amesbury CPT
Unknown suspect/s have stolen poly poles from a field of the IP’s farm. The IP believes it is likely the suspects were attempting to hare course over night but have been disturbed. Value of the poles approx. £108
Chippenham CPT
Unknown suspect has stolen IP’s black Carrera bicycle by unknown means. The bicycle was locked up in the back yard at IP’s place of work. It was 2 months old and valued at £300.
Devizes CPT
Unknown suspect/s have stolen the IP’s grain trailer from a location by unknown means.
Devizes CPT
Two males arrested upon vehicle being stopped after having stolen a trailer from the RP’s farm. The trailer was left and the vehicle drove off at speed.
Devizes CPT
unknown suspect has stolen IPs horse trailer , Cheval liberty double horsebox cream/grey tvo £1495. Suspects have cut off hitch lock, wheel lock and clamp
Unknown suspects have been seen to steal IP’s trailer. Vehicle made off and trailer – later found abandoned. Recovered by owner
An unknown person has climbed over a locked fence and stolen a large bronze statue of a man on a horse. The statue was stood on a plinth , the plinth has been left behind. The value is £12,500.
Salisbury CPT
Unknown suspects have stolen petrol powered garden equipment TVO £1879 from a barn on the IP’s property. There is no sign of a forced entry, and as such the IP believes that this would have occurred during the day when the barn was unlocked due to being used as a home office by the IP’s husband.
Salisbury CPT
In the last two weeks unknown suspect has cut a lock and chain off a gate to the IP’s property, likely believed to be preparing for hare coursing.
Swindon CPT
Unknown suspects have cut locks from farm building and stolen 2 Stihl chainsaws TVO £500, stihl strimmer TVO £500 and approx. 4 batteries TVO £200 and 3 dead batteries, left bolt croppers outside
Swindon CPT
Unknown suspect(s) have loosened wheel nuts on wheels on horsebox and have stolen two other studs from wheels. Believed this was an attempt to steal the tyres.
Swindon CPT
Sometime over the weekend, 3 trailers have been taken from the yard. The Yard gate had the lock cut and the trailers removed. All 3 trailers contained stock. There is CCTV available from site security.
Swindon CPT
Two male suspects have driven into a private yard without permission whilst the business was closed, and loaded 20 new pallets TVO £200 onto their vehicle and have made off with them from the site.
Trowbridge CPT
Unknown suspects have gained entry to a securely locked barn and proceeded to steal 2 off road bikes – one valuing £2500 and the other valuing £4000.
Trowbridge CPT
Unknown suspects have cut the lock off of the barn where they have then gone in to the barn and have stolen two motor cross bikes a red and white Honda cr125 and a red and white Yamaha pw80.
Trowbridge CPT
Unknown suspect/s have stolen an adjusting wheel from the IP’s trailer, TVO £40.00. No damage has been caused to the trailer.
Warminster CPT
A padlock has been broken off a stable door and archery items stolen from within by unknown person/s. The stable is used for storage. Neighbour may have CCTV
Warminster CPT
Known male suspect has set fire to a barn causing damage TVO unknown.
Warminster CPT
Unknown suspect/s have stolen IPs vehicle trailer (not attached to a vehicle)
Warminster CPT
Female suspect has come on to the horse yard and entered the tack room and taken the IPs horse saddle from inside and then left the premises. TVO £400.00
1x faded worn saddle with red logo
Crime Prevention Advice
Country Side Code – Updated tips and advice

Wiltshire Dog Watch
Please be aware of the following reports which I have received through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and be vigilant.
Please note that these reports and other information can now be found on the village web-site
This is a Wiltshire Dog Watch newsletter update alert sent from Wiltshire Police.
You can sign up to receive it directly from creating an account and choosing ‘Dog Watch’.
If you have already signed, you just need to update your preferences on the Interest section.
We welcome your feedback and the value of these monthly updates. If anyone has any comments, please email us on
Please note replies to this message are not monitored 24/7
You can now report ONLINE –
We encourage reporting “attempt dog thefts” or suspicious activity so we can take the appropriate action to carry out necessary patrols and collate intelligence
Please call 101 or 999 if you have a crime or incident that requires police
One month since Launch – Dog Watch has now been up and running for 4 weeks and we already have 815 Subscribers on Community Messaging which is very encouraging.
Crime reports – We have received just 3 attempt thefts/suspicious incidents in May: Minety on 4 May, Corsham on 7 May & Calne on 18 May but no actual dog thefts.
We are pleased to report a successful outcome from a crime reported in Oct 2019 where a dog has been reunited with his owner. **UPDATE ** Call from an OFA Vets Practice who had scanned a dog that had come in for treatment and it had come back as Stolen. Joint force enquiries resulted in the dog being recovered and the suspect being interviewed.
South West Regional Meetings – Our tactical lead for Dog Theft is Insp Gill Hughes who attends these regular meetings to share information and methods and Wiltshire is currently only 1 of about 19 forces that are actively engaging with the community regarding Dog theft and involved in the National picture.
Animal Scanners – Funding has been sought and has enabled each CPT area to be allocated 2 scanners each to assist in identifying owners that are chipped and updated Make sure your dog’s Microchip ID contact details are up to date.
NHW have launched a national pooch campaign:
Dog Grooming – if your dog needs a stripping/clipping then please have before and after photos. So many mix breeds that are recovered aren’t recognised due to the condition found in.
Before After
Cumbria Police are currently investigating a series of Blackmail offences in relation to theft or loss of dogs. Dog owners who have lost their dog, or had it stolen are advertising on lost dog websites such as ‘lost dogs’, or social media with details of their pet, often a photograph and their contact details.
The MO for the blackmail offence is that a male with an Irish accent contacts the dog owners and says he is a traveller that specialises in the theft of dogs, and the dog and will be returned in exchange for £1000. He threatens that if they fail to pay the money, the dogs throat will be cut. On several occasions the dog owners have paid between £250 – £1500 to the offenders who then stop all contact.
RSPB A5 dogs on leads leaflet final.pdf
We are coming up to the season where farmers fields will turn golden yellow with Rapeseed, feeling summery ? and a beautiful backdrop to scenic photographs.
However pretty the fields look, please do try to avoid walking through them with your dogs, & certainly avoid having your dog pose for photos in fields of rapeseed.
Rapeseed is listed by Dogs Trust as toxic to our dogs if ingested and can cause symptoms such as:
⛑ Haemolytic Anaemia
⛑ Blindness
⛑ Damaged Nervous System
⛑ Digestive Disorders
⛑ Breathing Problems
⚠️ Please be warned that some dogs can also suffer after effects from just running through Rapeseed.
Reports have shown dogs can be super sensitive to this plant, suffering skin lesions and burn-like sores effecting their eyes and paws. (Photo in story)
Some have even experienced breathing difficulties from the pollen.
‼️If you think your dog is showing symptoms of rapeseed poisoning, please seek immediate veterinary attention. #rapeseed #dogfirstaidmanchester
#dogfirstaid #dogtips #doghealth #dogfacts #dogfirstaidsquad #dogsquad #dogcaretips
Wiltshire Police would like to reassure our local communities that cases of dog theft remain low in this area, however tackling it is a priority and Community Safety as we are very much aware of the emotional impact of a dog being stolen.
By raising awareness, we want to both prevent dog thefts and to increase the quality of community intelligence reported to us, so we can take action to catch offenders. Officers will take your concerns seriously and all information received will feed into vital community intelligence to disrupt any criminal activity.
Some helpful advice on keeping your dog safe can be found on these websites:
Dog theft | Crimestoppers (
The Blue Cross
Dogs Trust

Please be aware of the following reports which I have received through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and be vigilant.
Please note that these reports and other information can now be found on the village web-site
Warning: Please Be Alert To Scam Phone Calls and Courier Fraud
Police are continuing to warn people to be alert to phone calls that believe are attempts to scam people out of money.
Over the past week Police have received reports of residents across the county, including in Chippenham, Devizes and Warminster, receiving phone calls from men posing as police officers and requesting bank details.
The ‘officer’ is reported as saying that they have arrested a man, have him in custody, and now need assistance with some kind of fraud investigation.
They then asked questions about bank details and in some circumstances have asked people to withdraw sums of money.
Please be assured that police officers (and banks) will never cold call residents in this way and ask for card or bank details.
Also, police officers will not ask you to pay fines over the phone, will not ask you to transfer money or cards and will never ask you to withdrawn money as part of their investigation. If you receive a call of this nature hang up immediately.
Please could you talk to your elderly relatives or neighbours so they are aware of this scam and if you think they have fallen victim, please call us immediately on 101.
Alternatively call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. They also have a useful website with tips on how to spot and avoid fraudsters:
If you have any information that could help with enquiries into these particular scams, please call 101. Always call 999 in an emergency.
If you witness anything suspicious in the village or are unfortunate enough in being a victim of a crime please let me know so that I can warn others through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
Kevin Last

This is a Wiltshire Farm & Horse Watch crime update alert sent from Wiltshire Police. You can share this message with anyone you feel would benefit from it.
Please note replies to this message are not monitored 24/7. Please call 101 or 999 if you have a crime or incident that requires police.
Wiltshire Horse Rider Volunteer Role – Exciting Opportunity to join us’
Would you like to be the eyes and ears of the Countryside? If so please click the QR code (Iphone) or link above and complete our Expression of Interest (EOI) Form. Closing Date – 31 May 2021.
If you would like more information please email the Rural Crime Team
Recent Crime and Incidents
Update of Crimes/Incidents throughout Wiltshire affecting Farms, Horse owners, Yards and Rural areas.
Crime Reference
Coombe Bissett
02/04/2021 19:08
Unknown person/s have been Hare Coursing and have caused damage as they have chewed up the Barley & Wheat in the fields. They have also left the gate open. The value of the damage is unknown at this time.
18/04/2021 18:00
Unknown suspect(s) have cut off the IPs horses tail whilst in paddock, to just below the dock. No injury to horse and he does not appear to upset. The horsehair has been taken.
08/04/2021 10:35
Unknown suspects have entered farm storage area by breaking the lock. 2x heavy duty batteries and 2x electric fence units stolen. TVO £1000
17/04/2021 11:11
Unknown suspect/s have broken into a stable tack room and broken into the animal medical cabinet (unknown items taken) while doing this the suspects have let all the animals out (cows and horses) by opening all the gates in the stable yard.
10/04/2021 08:13
RP states that her barn has been burgled over night by unknown suspect(s). 2 ragdoll kittens, a boot bag and a set of clippers have been taken.
13/04/2021 10:49
RP had been using her husqvarna 128R petrol trimmer brushcutter at Britford Livery Stables she placed the trimmer at the front of her stable hidden under a few things. On her return 13/04/21 RP noticed the trimmer was missing but the other things in the stable were left behind. RP believes the suspect may have been on foot as they only took the trimmer and left the other things which were also valuable. Nothing left behind at the scene, no CCTV and no known witnesses.
16/04/2021 09:42
Unknown suspect(s) has broken into 3 outbuildings by removing padlocks by unknown means. Power tools including chain saws and strimmer and hedge cutters along with riding tack stolen. Padlocks not found.
16/04/2021 13:51
Unknown suspect has tried the door of the IPs wooden outbuilding, suspect has then put their number through a small open window with a believed intention of opening a bigger window. The witness has moved the curtain, shouted and 2 males have run off.
18/04/2021 14:08
Unknown males have entered stable yard entered an insecure van and removed a facemask then attempted to open stable which are screwed shut RP alerted by ring doorbell and spoke to males who then left no access gained to stables
07/04/2021 16:37
Unknown person has stolen a trailer from the grassed verge outside of IP’s house. IP states did not notice trailer stolen straight away as grass had grown over it through the winter.
14/04/2021 09:03
Unknown suspect entered site and stolen a trailer.
15/04/2021 08:20
Unknown suspect has entered the yard of the address by damaging unknown fence and has stolen unknown amount of scrap metal.
16/04/2021 11:01
Unknown suspect(s) have stolen 1400 litres of red diesel from a tank in the Farmyard.
Royal Wootton Bassett
20/04/2021 14:15
Unknown suspects have accessed site by making a tunnel under the fence. Once inside they have stolen one pallet of electric motors and one pallet of electrical cable. Approx value £5000 from the back of artic trailer
21/04/2021 19:43
Unknown vehicle has driven across a field belonging to the IP destroying farm crops valued at around £100.
Message Sent By
Tracy Ince (Police, Watch Coordinator, HQ)

A new Dog Watch scheme has been set up by Wiltshire Police to help reassure owners around the safety of their pets.
Over the past few months there has been a rising perception and concern that more dog thefts and attempted dog thefts are taking place across the country. This has primarily been driven by social media comments and reports.
As a result, the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, supported by Forces across the country, carried out a national survey on dog thefts in March this year (see headline stats in notes to editors).
Here in Swindon and Wiltshire, so far in 2021, we haven’t received any reports of dogs being physically stolen. However, we have received reports of a handful of attempted dog thefts which we are investigating.
The Dog Watch scheme will be driven through this Community Messaging site.
Wiltshire Police’s Assistant Chief Constable Debs Smith said: “As a dog owner myself, I appreciate the concern and worry owners have around dog thefts.
“Despite there being no reported cases of thefts here in Wiltshire so far this year I can understand why the perception is worse than the real picture.
“We are currently investigating reports of a handful of attempted dog thefts as well as being made aware, via social media, of some suspicious activity by some individuals around dogs.
“We do take this type of crime seriously and want to be proactive in helping dog owners protect their much loved pets – and so I welcome the setting up of Dog Watch.
“This scheme has two major benefits: it helps with the sharing of information amongst a dog loving community and also helps us, the police, build up an intelligence picture of potential issues in a particular area.
“Please note though, you should still report any attempted thefts via 101 or our website.
“While we don’t want people to panic or worry unnecessarily, we would continue to remind everyone to be vigilant when out walking their dogs and to ensure their animals are locked inside or kept in safe and secure kennels overnight.”
Message Sent By
Mark Jones (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire)
As part of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme I will receive reports from the Dog Watch Scheme and post them here.
Kevin Last

Wiltshire Police is raising awareness about knife crime as part of a national week of action and education.
Operation Sceptre launches today (26/04) and will combine operational activity with an increased awareness-raising on violent crime and what our communities can do to help us tackle it.
We will also be highlighting our ongoing partnership work, including our youth and early intervention work that takes place in schools across Swindon and Wiltshire.
Superintendent Phil Staynings, who oversees policing in Swindon, said: “Thankfully, Wiltshire continues to be a very safe county and the vast majority of people who live here will not be impacted by knife crime.
“However, we do not want to become complacent and we do continue to see a worrying trend amongst some young people, particularly in parts of Swindon, who seem to believe that they need to carry a knife for protection.
“This is often linked to other forms of criminality, such as County Lines and local drug dealing, and we need to do everything we can to safeguard these young people.
“One of our most important tools is our links with our communities. Our Community Policing Teams work hard to forge these links and build trust amongst the public, so that people feel confident reporting issues to us.
“This information and intelligence from the public is the key to identifying vulnerable young people and getting weapons off our streets.”
Officers and staff from Wiltshire Police work with a wide range of partner organisations, including the two local authorities, public health, youth workers and charities, with the aim of coming together to help prevent young people becoming involved in violence.
Our active youth and early intervention team continue to provide support to schools, assisting with specialist and targeted education, designed to help young people understand the dangers of carrying a knife.
Chief Constable Kier Pritchard said: “Tackling violent crime and keeping people safe is a priority for this Force and we have various teams of police officers and staff who are working diligently to make this happen.
“I want you to have confidence in Wiltshire Police, and I particularly want you to have the confidence to speak to us about what is happening in your local community.
“Preventing violent crime, specifically the issue of young people carrying weapons, is something we have to work together on, and I would urge anyone with worries, concerns or information, to reach out to us. We are committed to making our streets safer.”
Police and Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson said: “I know that both locally and nationally there is concern amongst our communities about knife crime, particularly where young people are involved.
“But I know that the Force is committed to tackling all strands of vulnerability, and this includes the types of criminality that often come hand in hand with violence – illegal drugs and child exploitation.
“We need to ensure there is support available to provide alternative routes for young people who could find themselves drawn into the world of crime, and we need to tackle the root causes to keep all young people safe.”
If you have information about youth violence in your community then please call our non-urgent number 101. If a crime is in progress, then call 999. You can also provide information anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
If you witness anything suspicious in the village or are unfortunate enough in being a victim of a crime please let me know so that I can warn others through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
Kevin Last