You are invited to the Calstone Harvest Supper on Friday, 24th September at 7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. in The Malt House at Calstone Mill
By kind permission of Lucy and John Moore
- Beef stew and dumplings or vegetarian/vegan equivalent
- Variety of desserts
- Cheese and biscuits
If you would like a vegan or other dietary option, please make it clear when you book.
Please bring your own drinks and glasses
Tickets: £12 for adults and £6 for children
Numbers are limited, so early application is recommended
Please book tickets before midnight on Monday, 20th September
Payment may be made by paying directly into the bank, to Calstone PCC, 40-16-04 60217239 with your name as reference, plus a telephone message with the names of those coming and any dietary requests to Oliver Steel at 07798827139
Payment may be made by cheque in favour of Calstone PCC (or cash) in an envelope through the letter box of Wayside, Blacklands Crossroads SN11 8PU – endorse the envelope with the names of those coming and any dietary requests
Raffle prizes may be donated through Nick Tatham at Uplands House, Calstone SN11 8PZ
All profits will go to St Mary’s Church, Calstone