Farm and Horse Watch Newsletter

This is a Wiltshire Farm & Horse Watch crime update alert sent from Wiltshire Police. You can share this message with anyone you feel would benefit from it.

Please note replies to this message are not monitored 24/7. Please call 101 or 999 if you have a crime or incident that requires police.

Wiltshire Horse Rider Volunteer Role – Exciting Opportunity to join us’

Would you like to be the eyes and ears of the Countryside? If so please click the QR code (Iphone) or link above and complete our Expression of Interest (EOI) Form. Closing Date – 31 May 2021.

If you would like more information please email the Rural Crime Team

Recent Crime and Incidents
Update of Crimes/Incidents throughout Wiltshire affecting Farms, Horse owners, Yards and Rural areas.

Crime Reference

Coombe Bissett
02/04/2021 19:08
Unknown person/s have been Hare Coursing and have caused damage as they have chewed up the Barley & Wheat in the fields.  They have also left the gate open.  The value of the damage is unknown at this time.

18/04/2021 18:00
Unknown suspect(s) have cut off the IPs horses tail whilst in paddock, to just below the dock. No injury to horse and he does not appear to upset. The horsehair has been taken.

08/04/2021 10:35
Unknown suspects have entered farm storage area by breaking the lock. 2x heavy duty batteries and 2x electric fence units stolen. TVO £1000

17/04/2021 11:11
Unknown suspect/s have broken into a stable tack room and broken into the animal medical cabinet (unknown items taken) while doing this the suspects have let all the animals out (cows and horses) by opening all the gates in the stable yard.

10/04/2021 08:13
RP states that her barn has been burgled over night by unknown suspect(s). 2 ragdoll kittens, a boot bag and a set of clippers have been taken.

13/04/2021 10:49
RP had been using her husqvarna 128R petrol trimmer  brushcutter at Britford Livery Stables she placed the trimmer at the front of her stable hidden under a few things. On her return 13/04/21 RP noticed the trimmer was missing but the other things in the stable were left behind. RP believes the suspect may have been on foot as they only took the trimmer and left the other things which were also valuable. Nothing left behind at the scene, no CCTV and no known witnesses.

16/04/2021 09:42
Unknown suspect(s) has broken into 3 outbuildings by removing padlocks by unknown means. Power tools including chain saws and strimmer and hedge cutters along with riding tack stolen. Padlocks not found.

16/04/2021 13:51
Unknown suspect has tried the door of the IPs wooden outbuilding, suspect has then put their number through a small open window with a believed intention of opening a bigger window. The witness has moved the curtain, shouted and 2 males have run off.

18/04/2021 14:08
Unknown males have entered stable yard entered an insecure van and removed a facemask then attempted to open stable which are screwed shut RP alerted by ring doorbell and spoke to males who then left no access gained to stables

07/04/2021 16:37
Unknown person has stolen a trailer from the grassed verge outside of IP’s house. IP states did not notice trailer stolen straight away as grass had grown over it through the winter.

14/04/2021 09:03
Unknown suspect entered site and stolen a trailer.

15/04/2021 08:20
Unknown suspect has entered the yard of the address by damaging unknown fence and has stolen unknown amount of scrap metal.

16/04/2021 11:01
Unknown suspect(s) have stolen 1400 litres of red diesel from a tank in the Farmyard.

Royal Wootton Bassett

20/04/2021 14:15
Unknown suspects have accessed site by making a tunnel under the fence. Once inside they have stolen one pallet of electric motors and one pallet of electrical cable. Approx value £5000 from the back of artic trailer


21/04/2021 19:43
Unknown vehicle has driven across a field belonging to the IP destroying farm crops valued at around £100.

Message Sent By
Tracy Ince (Police, Watch Coordinator, HQ)

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