Calstone Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

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Crime Prevention Awareness For Rogue Traders In Curzon Park In Calne


Yesterday at 16:20hrs, we received a report of two suspicious males walking around the Curzon Park housing estate in Calne.

It reported that the males were asking residents if they wanted their driveways sprayed with weed killer. The males were described as one being middle aged, and other younger carrying a hand pump spray bottle like a fertilizer. The older male had grey balding hair. The other was approximately 30 years old.

Unfortunately, a short time after the initial report we were advised that one resident had handed over £150 for this service, only to later discover that the males had sprayed his driveway using just tap water.

PCSO Mark Cook of the Calne Community Police Team says: “We would like to urge people to be vigilant. You should never feel pressured into buying something, whether it is goods or a service. Please contact police on 999 at the time if you feel threatened or intimidated.

“Please warn your neighbours, particularly elderly or vulnerable neighbours, not to open the door to strangers or buy or sell on the doorstep. Some doorstep callers may offer poor quality goods or services at inflated prices. If a caller is not genuine, they are likely to be gathering information for future crimes. This information is then usually traded onto other criminals gangs.”

REMEMBER if cold callers don’t get any sales in your area, they are less likely to return.

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