About fifty people attended a thoroughly enjoyable silent film night in the church on 26th February to watch Buster Keaton’s silent comedy, ‘Steamboat Bill Jnr’. Originally filmed in 1928, the Calstone version was accompanied by James Harpham, whose live piano score both perfectly matched the action as well as the period in which was set – being arranged by James from popular music hall songs of that era. As an aside, the original film was followed by a parody produced by Walt Disney called ‘Steamboat Willie’, starring Mickey Mouse – the first ever Mickey Mouse film to be distributed.
It was wonderful to see many of the audience staying on after the film to catch up with others. Our thanks go to both James and Brigid for coming up with the idea, putting it into action and providing a wonderful excuse for a village get-together.
Oliver Steel
I’d like to thank all the folks who supported the Buster Keaton film night. The spirit of conviviality and community was tremendous, a great support for the pianist trying to keep up with the film! Also my most impressed thanks to Matt and the masterful way he arranged the screen and the back projection.
James Harpham