Permissive Bridleway at The Mill House

Update 22/4/21 –

The work to the bridge at The Mill House is taking a little longer than planned. The Rights of Way Department did not have all the materials required.

I am told the work should be completed by next Tuesday evening.

The permissive bridleway will therefore be closed until then. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Having seen the size of the timbers and the concreting that has been done I think the end result will be stronger than the Forth Bridge!!

Best wishes,
John Moore


The Rights of Way Department at Wiltshire Council require us to upgrade the bridge on the permissive bridleway at The Mill House to comply with their current requirements.

We shall preserve the old stone arch bridge and lay a new wooden bridge across. This will be about the same width as the present bridge but will have higher sides.

Work will start on 19th April. At the same time we shall continue the reinforced surfacing of the bridleway on the north side of the river at either end.

This does mean that the bridleway will be closed from 19th to 23rd April.

Please tell anyone you know who might be planning to travel that way.

Best wishes,
John Moore

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